
Support Israeli Farmers

Volunteer to Help

During this difficult time, Israeli farmers need your help more than ever. Many farmers were drafted into the reserves or lost their farmhands for a variety of reasons. As a result, their produce is being left in the fields to rot.

Leket Israel is recruiting volunteers to send to our Israeli farmer partners during their time of crisis.

If you’re interested in volunteering, fill out the form below and a Leket Israel representative will be in touch.

Thank you!

Get in Touch:

Contact Person

Other ways to get in touch


Leket Israel is a recognized Volunteer Organization through Bituach Leumi, therefore all Leket Israel volunteers are covered by Bituach Leumi insurance.

Most farms do not have a shelter; however, you can confirm with Leket Israel regarding each individual location.

In private vehicles or through transportation arranged in advance by Leket Israel.

Comfortable clothes that can get dirty (long sleeves and pants are recommended), closed toed shoes, a hat, water (we recommend at least 3 liters) and food for the whole day.

Volunteering is free of charge.

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