With the outbreak of the war in Israel, Leket Israel has reinvented its business model to adapt to the current situation. Utilizing our 20 years of extensive logistical experience and resources, we have initiated a number of emergency relief projects to attend to the needs of all Israelis throughout the country impacted by the current situation, with additional support for the long term.
Tons of fresh fruit and vegetables
Hot Meals
Farmers who received support

January 23, 2024

Last week, residents from Kibbutz Menara (northern Israel) gathered to mark the 81st anniversary of the kibbutz’s founding in a communal event held at Kibbutz Alonim.

We were happy to take part and allow the evacuated community to reunite after a long period of time and enjoy an evening of solidarity and celebration.

Last week, around 70 farmers from communities in the Hof HaCarmel Regional Council (northern Israel) joined a lunch hosted by Leket Israel. The meal served as a token of appreciation for our partner farmers who, for the past 20 years, have been generously donating their surplus agricultural produce to those in need.

We were delighted to welcome our longtime friends and supporters from the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. The group is visiting Israel on a solidarity mission and their first stop was Leket Israel to help pack 5,500 lbs. of tomatoes for Israelis in need. We thank them for their hard work, dedication to our mission and their ongoing friendship.

January 1, 2024

Nelly Tagar visits farmers in the Gaza Strip Region

Leket Israel spokeswoman, Nelly Tagar, gives a food security update from the field (video in Hebrew)

Distribution of Cooked Meals

On Thursday, December 28th, we hosted a dinner in Mitzpe Ramon (southern Israel), for 450 residents who have been displaced from Kibbutz Erez (Gaza Border Region). Together we had enjoyed a delicious meal and had an evening of respite from the situation.

December 26, 2023

Nelly Tagar visits farmers in the Gaza Strip Region

We had the pleasure of hosting well-known US personalities who are currently in Israel as part of an advocacy mission with the American Jewish Committee. They came to volunteer at the farm of Leket Israel’s farmer partner, located on Kibbutz Zikim on the Gaza border, who has been significantly affected by the recent conflict and required assistance with the harvesting process. The group picked cherry tomatoes, cleared away empty plants, and prepared the ground for the cultivation of fresh plants. In times like these, supporting the Israeli farming community is crucial as they serve as the backbone of Israeli society and are in need of our help.

Distribution of Cooked Meals

Our farmer partner, Nachum Galil calls on Israelis and tourists to come support the Israeli farming community by volunteering to help the farmers harvest their crops both on the Gaza border and around the country. Join the over 25,000 volunteers who have helped the farming community since October 8th.
To Register: https://www.leket.org/en/support-farmers-israel/

December 17, 2023

Nelly Tagar visits farmers in the Gaza Strip Region

On Thursday, December 14, we had the pleasure of inviting 70 farmers from the Gaza border region for lunch on a kibbutz in southern Israel, prepared by chef Erez Komarovsky.

Gidi Kroch, CEO of Leket Israel shared, “we are pleased to meet the farmers from the Gaza border region and hear from them about the work and challenges they’ve had over the past few months. I want to thank the farmers for their trust and partnership with Leket and assure them that we will continue to support and assist them in any way we can.”

Distribution of Cooked Meals

This week, Joseph Gitler, Founder and Chairman of Leket Israel, was chosen to light the hanukkiah at the Kotel for the second night of Hanukkah. Joseph’s dedication to fighting hunger and food waste through Leket Israel has made a profound impact on countless lives. It was a true honor to stand at the heart of Jerusalem, to illuminate the night during the holiday of light and miracles.

Hosting Volunteers from Around the World

Over the past few weeks, Leket has hosted a number of events throughout the country, giving our partners and the displaced communities a respite from everything that has been going on.

On Monday, Dec 11, we held a dinner in a kibbutz near the Dead Sea, for 200 residents who have been displaced from kibbutzim in northern Israel. Together, we lit the Hanukkah candles, sang, ate and celebrated for a few hours.

We will get through this together, and Leket will be there to support those in need throughout it all.

December 6, 2023

Nelly Tagar visits farmers in the Gaza Strip Region

For over 20 years, we have been rescuing fresh, nutritious food for those in need throughout the country. The world may have changed significantly over the past two months, but one thing remains true, Leket Israel is dedicated to ensuring that nobody goes hungry. Therefore, since October 8th, despite the decrease in available meals for rescue, we have been purchasing and providing about 10,000 meals per day to Israelis who need it most. 

Distribution of Cooked Meals

Tuesday, December 5th was International Volunteer Day. Leket Israel celebrates its dedicated volunteers every single day, but on International Volunteer Day, Leket took a moment to applaud the amazing individuals who show up in rain or shine, at the Logistics Center, fields, offices, and wherever their support is needed. Their invaluable assistance enables Leket to deliver fresh agricultural produce to hundreds of thousands of Israelis in need.

Hosting Volunteers from Around the World

Last week, we had the honor of welcoming American actor Brett Gelman and Israeli American singer Ari Dayan who came to learn about Leket Israel’s operations. Both Brett and Ari have been strong advocates for Israel, and they graciously volunteered their time with Leket and meeting with Israeli farmers affected by recent events. Together, they lent a helping hand at the Leket Israel Logistics Center and joined Leket’s farmer partner, Yuval Shargian, in planting broccoli. We appreciate their support for Israel and its people.

November 26, 2023

Nelly Tagar visits farmers in the Gaza Strip Region

Nelly Tagar visited some of Leket Israel’s farmer partners in the south to learn how the war has impacted their lives and their work and how Leket Israel has helped.

Distribution of Cooked Meals

300,000 hot meals have been distributed since the outbreak of the war to the residents and evacuees from the north and south

Hosting Volunteers from Around the World

We were honored to host American cowboys who volunteered at our fields in Rishon Lezion and the Leket Israel Logistics Center! They joined forces to plant kohlrabi on our farms and packed boxes of fresh produce for fellow Israelis in need. Their infectious love and enthusiasm for Israel uplifted our staff and volunteers.

Direct Financial Support

We continue to distribute vouchers to families impacted by the war. About 200 families of farmers have already received the vouchers and 6,000 residents and evacuees from the north and south.

November 19, 2023

Dinner at a Youth Village

On Wednesday, November 15, Leket Israel was privileged to host a dinner for evacuees and students at a youth village in central Israel. The youth village, which is home to over 350 students from around the country, is now hosting evacuated families from Ashkelon and Netivot. A local caterer provided a beautiful meal which was shared by the residents who were especially grateful to Leket Israel for the food.

Returning Smiles to the Fields
a new initiative with Strauss Group

In honor of our strong support and appreciation for the Israeli farming community, we are proud to announce a new comprehensive rehabilitation program called “Returning Smiles to the Fields” for Israeli farmers. This initiative, created in partnership with Strauss-Group will support Israeli farmers and continue to ensure the nutritional security for all residents of the State of Israel.

Collaboration with Beer Bazar Brewery

Beer Bazar Brewery is mobilizing for the Israeli farming community. In collaboration with Leket Israel, a farmers’ market will be held every Friday, with the goal of helping farmers from the Gaza Strip region to sell their produce. To accommodate the farmers, we collect the produce from their packing houses, store it and provide volunteers to manage the sales. The sales are done directly through BIT without any service fees.

November 8, 2023

Leket Doesn’t Stop

Leket Israel’s mission to provide those in need with fresh, nutritious food never ends. We are continuing to work with our nonprofit partner agencies and local municipalities, supporting the farmers and the residents of northern and southern Israel, now relocated throughout the country, and of course our recipients who need our help every day of the year and even more so during this difficult time.

National Harvest Grant

In collaboration with Bank Leumi, the National Union of Israeli Students and Keshet, Leket Israel has launched the National Harvest Grant, matching students with farmers who need volunteers. Each student who is chosen will be sent to work with an Israeli farmer for 160 hours and will receive a full year’s academic scholarship. We are proud to be a partner in this important initiative which finds a solution for both farmers who need steady fieldhands and students whose schoolyears have been postponed.

Citibank Visits Leket Israel

This week, we were honored to host Citibank Israel’s CEO, Neil Corney, and the dedicated members of their senior management team at the Leket Israel Logistics Center. Citibank has been a steadfast partner in our mission, providing funding for our routine food rescue operations and now standing by us in our emergency relief initiatives. Thank you to Citibank for your fruitful collaboration for the benefit of those who need it most.

October 31, 2023

Continuing to address the needs of our partners

Yesterday, Leket’s CEO, Gidi Kroch visited the southern city of Ashkelon and met with Tomer Glam, the Mayor of Asheklon and Chezi Haluya, Director General of the Municipality. Together, they discussed the situation in Ashkelon and how the need has grown and ways that Leket Israel could assist and ensure food security for the city’s residents.

CEO of Leket Israel, Gidi Kroch: Since the outbreak of the war on October 7th, Leket Israel has strived to be an anchor for the residents of the north and south of Israel who are under siege. This visit to Ashkelon has further highlighted how significant of an impact Leket’s provisions have always been and how vital they are during this time. Leket supplies the residents of Ashkelon with 3,000 cooked meals daily and hundreds of packages of dried goods. I thank Mayor Glam for this important meeting and we will continue to stand with the residents of Ashkelon and all the residents of the State of Israel.

Mayor Tomer Glam: The city of Ashkelon has become part of the frontline of this war. During this difficult time, we are witnessing the unity of our people and our nation. On behalf of myself and the residents of my city, I thank Leket Israel and its supporters for your generous contributions which will bring a smile to the faces of the children of Ashkelon even during our darkest time.

October 26, 2023

Support for our Farmers

Since the beginning of the war, we have given out over 1,600 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables of which we have purchased about half.

With the help of 500 volunteers, we have picked produce in the fields of 50 Israeli farmers and we are continuing to connect farmers with volunteers on a daily basis. Additionally, we have begun to organize transportation to bring those volunteers directly to the fields.

We are in contact with all our farmers and have created a support system for them during their time of need. The assistance we offer includes prepaid credit cards, help with harvesting produce in their fields and purchasing produce from farmers from the South and North of Israel. We understand that this support will not be limited to the war, and we will continue to support these same farmers when the war is over.

Hot Meals

As of today, we have provided over 200,000 hot meals to families that have been forced to evacuate their homes and to families who are at risk.

Dry Food Packages

So far, we have delivered over 15,000 packages of nonperishable food prepared daily by volunteers. Most of the items contained in the packages were purchased from business owners in the south. The packages were delivered to refugees and families in need and was coordinated in conjunction with the local municipalities. We have paid specific attention to Eilat where there are over 60,000 evacuees residing there right now.

Direct Financial Help

We have provided credit cards to 2,000 families that will be refilled every week with NIS 250.

We are working in partnership with the local Welfare Agencies to help anyone whose income has been affected by the war or those that do not have access to their own personal funds. This allows them to purchase their basic necessities and food.


Hundreds of volunteers have been coming to volunteer at our Logistics Center and picking produce on farms, sorting, packaging and giving help anywhere a need arises.

As week two of the war comes to a close, we are bolstered by your staunch support for Leket Israel. While the future is still uncertain, one thing is for sure, Leket Israel will continue to provide assistance to all those in need throughout the country.

Our command center is still receiving dozens of requests for assistance throughout the country. As of right now we are focusing on three main areas, supporting the farming community with volunteers and monetary support, purchasing meals and dry goods to distribute to nonprofits in the south and families who have been displaced, providing monetary support through rechargeable credit cards which will be given weekly, for four months.

October 20, 2023

This week, we were honored to welcome the Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, who visited the Leket Israel Logistics Center in a demonstration of unwavering solidarity during these challenging times. The visit aimed to highlight the strong support and partnership that Leket Israel has provided to the people of Israel during the ongoing conflict.

Cooked Meal Purchase and Distribution

  • Approximately 10,000 meals, prepared from caterers around the country, are distributed daily to the residents in the south through Leket’s nonprofit partners, and to evacuees located throughout the country. To date we’ve distributed 60,000 meals.

Supporting the Farming Community

  • 100 volunteers were sent to over 20 farms to help farmers harvest their produce, so it doesn’t rot in the fields.
  • Financial support and dry good packages were delivered to our farmer partners whose homes were damaged.
  • Leket has purchased tons of produce from farmers who were unable to export it.
  • A joint initiative with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was developed to purchase produce from farmers.

Direct Financial Support

  • In cooperation with Cal, an Israeli credit card company, Leket Israel has begun distributing reloadable credit cards with NIS 250 ($65) to 2,000 families, once a week for four months. These cards have enabled the recipients to have financial freedom not just to purchase food but other items as well and to pay their bills.

Collection and Redistribution of Donated Clothing

  • Thanks to the generosity of donors around the world, 16 hotels in the Dead Sea region received a surplus of donations of clothing. As a result, Leket Israel received 22 pallets of clothing which were redistributed to 2 nonprofits and to a community of evacuees who were relocated from the south.

Supporting Nonprofit Partner Agencies

  • Leket’s nonprofit partners throughout the country, who are currently operational, are continuing to receive fresh agricultural produce and cooked food from Leket Israel.
    Leket Israel is utilizing its vehicles and drivers to assist other nonprofit agencies in their food distribution.


  • Over 200 volunteers come daily to the Leket Israel Logistics Center or the fields in Rishon Lezion, to help harvest, sort, and pack, and to ensure that these crucial provisions are going to those who need it.

October 17, 2023

Distribution of Food to Residents and Evacuees from the South

  • Delivering 3,000 hot meals, daily.
  • 1,000 parcels of dry goods are packed by Leket’s volunteers and sent to evacuees of the south and the residents of the Western Negev region.
  • Providing restaurants and event halls with produce to be cooked for meals for the residents of the south and soldiers.

Supporting the Farmers

  • Purchase of 10 tons of sweet potatoes, 10 tons of potatoes and 2.6 tons of squash, from farmers.
  • Developed a joint initiative with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to purchase produce from farmers.
  • Provide farmers with volunteers to harvest their produce so it doesn’t rot in their fields.

Delivering Food to Holocaust Survivors

  • Collaborating with The Association for Holocaust Survivors to deliver packages, including food and other essentials, to 500 Holocaust survivors.

Direct Financial Support

  • In cooperation with Cal, an Israeli credit card company, Leket Israel will distribute reloadable credit cards with NIS 250 ($65) to 2,000 families, once a week for four months.

Supporting Nonprofit Partner Agencies

  • Leket’s nonprofit partners through the country, who are currently operational, are continuing to receive fresh agricultural produce and cooked food from Leket Israel.


  • Over 200 volunteers come daily to the Leket Israel Logistics Center or the fields in Rishon Lezion to help harvest, sort, and pack, and to ensure that these critical provisions are going to those who need it.

October 15, 2023

Cooked Food

  • Leket Israel distributed 9,000 hot meals to residents of the South
  • The Leket Israel Logistics Center received a freezer to store trays of cooked food before distribution

Restaurants and Catering Halls

  • 64 crates of fresh agricultural produce were brought to restaurants and catering halls to be cooked for meals for residents of the South

Purchase of Dry Goods

  • Dry goods were purchased and brought to the Leket Israel Logistics Center to be sorted and packed by Leket Israel volunteers

Fruit and Vegetables

  • Half a ton of apples were distributed to soldiers in Kochav Michael (southern Israel)

  • 10 tons of sweet potatoes and potatoes and 2.6 tons of squash were purchased from farmers

Supporting our Farmer Partners

  • Leket Israel is supporting its farmer partners by sending volunteers to harvest their fields so the produce doesn’t go to waste.

October 8-14, 2023

Our Progress So Far:

Cooked Food and Soups:

  • 6,200 meals were specially cooked by one of our catering partners, to be delivered to the residents in the south: Ashdod, Beer Sheva, Dimona, Ofakim and Sderot through our nonprofit partner agencies.
  • 1,700 meals are distributed daily to homebound elderly and communities living in bomb shelters in Ashdod and Ashkelon.
  • 6,700 pints of soup were distributed to residents of the south through our nonprofit partners in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Netivot, Sderot and Dimona and to soldiers based in the Golan Heights, in northern Israel. In the coming days, we will be supplying another 3,000 pints of soup to Holocaust survivors and the homebound elderly.

Purchase of Dry Goods for Babies and Families:

  • NIS 25,000 ($6,500) worth of baby food, dry goods, diapers and wipes were purchased and delivered to families in the south.

Fruit and Vegetables

  • 40 tons of rescued apples were delivered to soldiers throughout the country.
  • 80 tons of agricultural produce was purchased from farmers and distributed through our nonprofit partners.

Additional Activities:

  • Provision of agricultural produce to catering companies to prepare meals for evacuees from the south.
  • Financial support and dry good packages were delivered to our farmer partners whose homes were damaged.
  • Utilizing Leket Israel vehicles and drivers to assist other nonprofit agencies in their food distribution.

Moving Forward:

  • We will continue purchasing meals for the homebound elderly and evacuees from the south who have been moved to hotels, with the goal of providing to 5,000 people daily.
  • We will purchase and pack approximately 5,000 packages of dry goods and necessities each week.
  • We will provide financial support to families who require additional assistance through debit cards with NIS 250 ($65) per card with a goal of 2,500 families each week.
  • We will continue to purchase, rescue, and distribute agricultural produce to families in the south and those who have been evacuated.
  • We will continue to host volunteers in the Leket Israel Logistics Center and at our fields in Rishon Lezion. A new volunteer initiative is to help our farmers with volunteers to harvest their fields as it is extremely difficult to find farm hands these days.
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